god of iced coffee

we should love a lot of things

at the risk of sounding like a programmed npc in a rpg game i have to reiterate my love for loving things. i love having a lot of interests and liking things and not forcing my interests into a ranked competition with each other.

not saying that other people do but i think there are people who are dedicated to just one thing because it makes them who they are or because that is easier to handle, and i respect that

i love liking many things and i love liking many people. maybe this is bordering forced optimism and maybe i’m just saying this now because i’m having a nice day and the weather isn’t shit for once

i like liking things. i don’t know if it should be that serious. i think we should all love a lot of things, even if we’re not good at them. and i know this has been said many times before and maybe in more eloquent ways. i think liking and loving a lot of things makes you want to kill yourself less, but maybe i’m just being hopeful.

i wish i had more money to like even more things. maybe sometime in the future.