god of iced coffee

i've been watching dexter

i don't know why. dexter is just one of those tv shows i used to see ads for on the tv that i never really took interest in. so i don't know why the thought of watching dexter intrigued me on a random friday in september 2024, nearly two decades since its pilot.

anyway, i haven't quite decided if i like it or not. it's not as dark as i thought it was, back when i was younger and would see snippets and stuff on tv. but there certainly are a lot more sex scenes than i thought was allowed on tv at the time. maybe i just didn't watch that much tv.

i'm in the middle of season 2 right now, and i'm already quietly dreading the point in a series' lifecycle where it inevitably dips and goes bad. but that's not the point of this post.

i just couldn't help but notice there's so much of the r-slur being thrown around in the show. you know the one. the word that rhymes with "pee card". i'm not going to say it, just because i don't feel like being crass.

and it's not just one specific character either. the word just seems like a common, normal thing everyone says in the dexter universe. which isn't shocking to me, really. between the flip phones and how online sites look throughout the show, dexter really is a sign of the times.

still, it keeps throwing me off every time someone in the show says it. i guess it's because it never was a preferred cuss word of mine, even during the days it was "normal" or "alright" to say it. during the days of dexter. i don't know why. i'm sure i've said some things before that i wouldn't now, i just never really took to the r-slur, for whatever reason.

and i'm not in the mood to get into slur discourse right now either, so i'm not really sure what i'm trying to say with this post about watching dexter. i guess it's just another anecdote about how things used to be. media, popculture, culture. i don't know.

so for now, i'm watching dexter, for no particular reason, in 2024. i'm aware a prequel is set to come out soon, but i don't know if i care about the original series so much right now that i'm intrigued to check that out. i'm just watching dexter, and they're just saying a lot of the r-slur. not all the time, but it is pretty prominent, and i can't help but notice it all the time. and i know dexter isn't the only one. but i'm watching dexter, so dexter is what i'm talking about.
