god of iced coffee

getting my shit together

and by shit, i mean, my finances.

don’t get me wrong. i’m not rich rich yet or anything, but things are finally looking okay on that end.

what i mean is, i’m finally finding stability. financially. i’m not talking about excess of anything. i still have to worry about bills and other payables. we have five cats that need constant feeding and a clean stash of litter. it’s just that, i don’t have to scratch my head too much about running my bank accounts down for this and that purchase. you know what i mean? i actually have savings now.

that’s so crazy. and it feels so nice. not having to worry too much, i mean. these days, it feels like i worry just enough. not too much, and definitely not too little.

i just want to remember this feeling for the next time i do have to worry. whatever it may be.

i don’t know. i guess i’m enjoying feeling okay about something in my life for once. something that isn’t another person, because gf always makes me feel okay. i mean something like my finances. something that is mine to build and mine to fuck up. and i’m not fucking it up. wow.

i don’t need to be a trillionaire. all i want is to not worry too much about things like money. and for the first time in my life, that feels like a possibility. like, me working hard can actually do something. and that feels nice, for a change.